Dr. Dennis Buckley of Health Advantage Physical Medicine has a holiday message

“A Quid Pro Quo Christmas”

What would it be like if you were a child and during the holidays you had no family to be with or to even celebrate with? For many children Christmas is not a happy time but a sad and lonely time.

Thank goodness there are many organizations that reach out and lift these children up during this time. One of those organizations here in The San Gabriel Valley is, “Hillsides, A Safe Place For Children.”

I am partnering with Hillsides this Christmas to bring some joy into a child’s life to bring some normalcy into their abnormal lives.

In the news recently you have been hearing the term, “quid pro qou” relating to the impeachment hearings. But what is “quid pro quo” really?

Quid pro quo is a Latin phrase used in English to mean an exchange of goods or services, in which one transfer is contingent upon the other; "a favour for a favour". Phrases with similar meanings include: "give and take", "tit for tat",  "you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours" and "one hand washes the other".

We are presenting the “quid pro quo” Christmas. Here is how it works.

If you help me bring some joy and happiness to a bunch of kids, I’ll help you have a healthier holiday helping you to feel and function better. You help me, I’ll help you. “quid pro cuo”

If you are an established patient in our office, before December 7th, 2019 donate a new, unwrapped toy, ($25 value or more) at our office and you will receive a chiropractic treatment on December 7th in exchange for the toy donation. Your donation will help some really deserving kids and your stress and health will improve to get you through the holidays happy, healthy and whole.

If you have never had chiropractic care at our office or you know someone who could benefit from our services, a co-worker, friend, or family member, if they donate a new, unwrapped toy, ($25 value minimum) before December 7th, they will receive a certificate that they can redeem for a complete Health Advantage Physical Medicine health history, evaluation, report of findings, and treatment if indicated. This is a $150 to $200 value. The evaluation can be scheduled after December 7th and before January 31st, 2020. 

This “quid pro quo” is an incredible value but if you could help some incredible kids we’ll give you an incredible offer. This is a great opportunity to see where you “stand” in regards to your current health status and where you are headed. This evaluation can get you on track for a healthier future.

Oh I almost forgot, besides the history, evaluation, treatment if indicated, and report of findings, I am going to include a digital foot scan to evaluate your posture and stability index of the arches of your feet, ($75 value), a symptom survey to evaluate your internal environment and body system function, ($50 value) and diagnostic imaging if necessary. 

For a $25 toy you could receive nearly $400 in services. 

Maybe I should rethink this. Maybe $100 in toys? No, I already committed to the $25 donation so as many people as possible can participate. Let’s keep it there. For a $25 toy donation, if you are a current patient you get a chiropractic treatment in exchange and I’ll throw in the Symptom Survey and Digital Foot Scan. New patients, you get the whole enchilada.

To take advantage of this program, contact the helpful front desk assistants at Health Advantage Physical Medicine.

Call (626) 798-7805. 

If you are a current established patient, ask to schedule an appointment with Dr. Buckley, on Saturday, December 7thand bring the toy that day or before.

New patient’s, call the office and mention you are a new patient, you want to schedule with Dr. Buckley and you are participating in the toy drive. Our friendly office staff will take it from there and schedule you and help you, help us, help some kids. “Quid pro quo,” in a very positive light.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

Dr Dennis Buckley

Health Advantage Physical Medicine

1450 N. Lake Ave.

Pasadena, CA 91104

(626) 798-7805


PS: If you have any questions about this program, feel free to call. Current workers compensation cases and personal injury cases are not eligible for this program, Sorry, but you can refer others you know for the new patient evaluation.