Coronavirus - local impacts, news, resources and information

We will update this post as new information becomes available. Please check back often for updates.

We will post daily updates at You need to be a Chamber member to access the community pages and have signed up for the community forum page using your work email.

As of Thursday, March 12, 2020, 5:00 pm, the City of Pasadena can confirm the following information:

  • There is 1 confirmed case of COVID-19 in Pasadena.
  • There are 32 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Los Angeles County.


The City of Pasadena Public Health Department (PPHD) has confirmed the first case of novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in a Pasadena resident. This individual was known to have close contact with a confirmed case outside of Pasadena, and has been in quarantine since the exposure occurred. This individual is recovering and is being followed by PPHD. To maintain patient confidentiality, no other details will be shared on this individual.

PPHD is following up directly with those who have had close contact with this individual and may be at risk for COVID-19 infection. Close contacts are informed on how to assess and monitor for signs and symptoms of illness and are quarantined.

The Chamber has not cancelled any of our member events, as yet. We are using teleconferencing for committee and small group meetings wherever possible. We will continue to closely monitor the virus and decide whether to go forwardwith events, such as next week's mixer, as the date gets closer.

Many public events and acivities have been cancelled or postponed, including performances at A Noise Within and Boston Court Pasadena, as well as The Pasadena Symphony. The Huntington Library, Art Museums and Botanical Garden has cancelled public events but the gardens and facility remain open toe the public. Art Center College of Design has cancelled classes while Pasadena City College and Caltech have stopped holding in-person classes anf are migrating instruction online. Disneyland will be closed through March. 


Coronavirus (COVID-19) is on the forefront of everyone’s mind right now. At the Pasadena Chamber, it has been on the top of our mind as well. We want to extend our support to you during this challenging and uncertain time.

Please know that the team at the Pasadena Chamber are here to serve as a resource for you.

For some of you, you may have to adjust how you operate. You and your employees may have to work remotely. For tools to work remotely, if you don't already have a conference call service, here are some telephone conference and video conference providers:

Some basic plans are free to use and would allow for you to communicate with your team and your clients. is also used for communication. Project Management tools that will help you collaborate with your team include:

Please note that the Pasadena Chamber is not endorsing any of the above companies, but many of our members currently use these tools to operate their business.

We know many of our restaurant, retail and event members may face some challenges. We are monitoring what aid will be provided by the State and Federal government, including disaster relief from the SBA. We will continue to update you when new information becomes available.

Chamber member Verizon has resounces for businesses.

Business help:

Increase in capital outlay: 

For guidance from the Center for Disease Control as it pertains to business, please refer to:

Update on City Programming and Events

The City of Pasadena is cancelling all of its “non-essential” City-sponsored events and activities until further notice. “Non-essential” events and activities would generally include recreational events and classes and programming, educational and cultural events, census events, Community Police Academy Kids Safety Academy, Police Activities League (PAL) center activity, and community excursions. The City is not presently directing the cancellation of any events or activities sponsored by third parties, although the City is reaching out to the coordinators and providing current guidelines by the California Department of Public Health regarding mass gatherings.  For a list of cancelled events, please visit The City is monitoring related developments continuously, and will continue the cancellations indefinitely until the situation changes. Therefore, the decision of when to reschedule any event has not yet been made. 

City of Pasadena Dedicated Web Page for COVID-19 Information:

The City of Pasadena has a dedicated web page with important information and updates on the situation. Please find it here:

Communication Considerations For Retail & Restaurants: (Source:
On March 4, 2020, the City of Pasadena, along with the City and County of Los Angeles and the State of California, declared a local public health emergency. While public agencies, including the City of Pasadena, are doing their part to prepare for and slow the spread of the virus, the private sector is urged to do its part as well to protect public health.

It’s critical to communicate openly with your customers about the status of your operations, what protective measures you’ve implemented, and how customers will be protected when they visit your business. Promotions may also help to incentivize customers who may be reluctant patronize your business.

What can businesses do to prepare for & slow the spread of the virus?

  • Encourage employees and patrons to stay home when sick.  Download a sample sign “Remain Home If You’re Sick” and feel free to post it in your storefront window. Link to download:
  • If an employee stays home because they are sick, consider not requiring a doctor’s note on their return. Doctor note requirements will clog offices of health care providers and keep them from being able to treat patients.
  • Make hand sanitizer available and keep bathrooms fully stocked.
  • Maintain a 6 foot distance with someone who is ill.
  • Clean & disinfect all high-touch surfaces.
  • Buffet food service is not recommended at this time.


What can the office and corporate community do to prepare for & slow the spread of the virus?

  • In addition to the precautionary measures listed above, employers are encouraged to put plans in place to ensure continuity of operations should any employees become ill or require long quarantines.
  • Establish policies and practices to increase the physical distance among employees and between employees and members of the public for social distancing to reduce the spread of the virus.
  • Restrict travel to areas with known outbreaks.
  • Consider changing business etiquette of shaking hands for the near future.
  • Install alcohol-based hand sanitizer stations.
  • Make available video conferencing software and phone bridges for virtual meetings.
  • Install or make available appropriate apps for mobile computing so that employees can access work remotely.
  • Cross-train staff on essential functions to ensure business continuity.
  • Consider moving work applications (email, phone, files) to the cloud, so collaboration is possible for mobile computing.
  • Diversify supply chains to become less dependent on individual suppliers from territories that might be at greater risk of impacts from COVID-19.


What everyday precautionary measures can I take to prevent the spread of COVID-19?

  • Wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water aren’t available, use hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
  • Cough or sneeze into a tissue or your elbow, not your hand.
  • Refrain from touching your mouth, eyes, or nose.
  • Disinfect frequently-touched surfaces often, including cell phones, light switches, doorknobs, and toilets.
  • Stay home if you’re feeling sick.
  • Avoid contact with people who are sick.
  • Get your flu shot to protect against influenza.
  • If you have recently returned from a country with ongoing COVID-19 infections, follow public health guidance and monitor your health. Call your healthcare providers and inform them about your travel history if you need care.


Helpful links:



If you do have to cancel or postpone an event, here is a link to guidelines and legal issues to consider: