City poised to revamp pushcart vendor regulation in response to state legislation

The City of Pasadena is poised to consider revamping reglations regarding street vendors after the State of California passed legislation removing some ability of citys to restrict these activities.

The Chamber sent an email to the City Council requesting some items be included in the regualtions and consideration be given to ensure that existing brick and mortar stores and restaurants are able to remaing competitive. The item is before the City Council this evening for direction and referral to the City Attorney to draft regulations. You can still have input by emailing Michael Johnson of the Pasadena Public health Department at He is very receptive to suggestions from local businesses and would welcome suggestions on how regulations should be crafted and enforced.

Here is what we sent:

Good afternoon Pasadena City Council,

I have been paying attention to the evolving legislation related to street vendors.

While I understand the state is requiring Pasadena to allow street vending in more places, there are some aspects of the discussion I would like to highlight:

1. Please ensure street vendors and brick-and-mortar operations have parity when it comes to use of the sidewalk. For example, if street vendors can essentially advertise on the sidewalk, there should be no prohibition for your brick and mortar stores and restaurants to do the same with sandwich boards and other advertising that does not impede passage on the sidewalks.

2. Street vendors should pay the same fees as business owners and should be required to have a valid Pasadena business license, health certifications and other approvals traditional businesses must have. Street vendors should pay the same amount for those as traditional businesses.

3. Public and sidewalk safety must be a primary concern. In downtown Pasadena sidewalks are narrow and taken up with pedestrians, scooters and bicyclists. Adding sidewalk vendors could create a safety issues by over-congesting sidewalks. Please consider a prohibition on sidewalk vending on commercial area sidewalks narrower than eight to ten feet of public right of way so you can ensure pedestrians do not have to walk in the street to avoid lines or vendor operations. Also, please consider a prohibition against vending within specificed distances of entryways and doors, perhaps 25 feet.

4. Some sidewalk areas are owned by the adjacent property. Please ensure that street vendors must be on the public sidewalk adjacent to the street side, not in the middle of the sidewalk or against the private property.

5. Please ensure there is adequate and appropriate health department inspection of food offerings being served by sidewalk vendors at the site of the vending.

6. Also, please include adequate and appropriate penalties and penalty fee structures for street vendors who violate any regulations put in place.

The current economy and costs of doing business in Pasadena are demanding and impactful on traditional businesses. Please ensure street vendors are equally regulated, charged and inspected.

Thank you for your service to Pasadena and for considering our comments and suggestions.

