Carolina Caro mindfulness workshop October 11th - train your brain to thrive

Mindfulness: Training Your Brain to Thrive

Did you know that our brains are designed for us to survive rather than thrive? We are wired to ensure we stay alive which is different than being fulfilled. So we seek out situations that will enable us to feel safe and secure while minimizing circumstances that trigger a fear-based response. Add to that the demands that are being placed on us as our landscape is evolving faster than we can adapt and our incessant use of digital devices drowning us in data and it’s no surprise that most of us find ourselves steeped in survival mode.

Mindfulness-based techniques enable us to train our minds to meet these challenges with resilience, by shifting from reactivity to responsiveness. The ability to cultivate both intention and attention is how we can retrain our brains to thrive. Join us as we learn and practice ways to do just that!

Download the flyer here:

Date: Thursday October 11th 2018

Time: 6:00pm - 7:30pm

Location: Women's City Club of Pasadena

Address: 160 N Oakland Ave, Pasadena, CA 91101

Parking: Free Parking lot off of Madison, second driveway south of Walnut.

Dress Code: Minimum Business Casual Required

Registration Fee: $20 (includes buffet dinner)

To register visit: