Be part of the solution to the youth unemploment crisis - join the Chamber in providing meaningful experiences for local youth

Dear Pasadena Business Professional,

The youth unemployment rate for 16-to-24-year-olds in California is 20.2%—the third-highest rate in the country. Meanwhile employers continue to say they can’t find qualified workers. In fact, some 40% of American employers cite lack of skills as the number one reason for entry-level vacancies.

The Pasadena Chamber of Commerce is trying to solve this problem locally but we need your help

The Pasadena Chamber of Commerce has partnered with Pasadena Unified School District to match the next generation ready and willing to learn with business partners who want to help prepare them for the workforce. It’s called work-based learning.

Below are the multitude of ways you can commit from a one-time volunteer opportunity to an all-in approach.

Levels of Engagement for Business Partners

Guest speaker

Speak to local high school students about your business, training or skills to classrooms or at career fairs.

Mock interview

Conduct one-on-one professional interviews with high school students preparing to enter the workforce and provide “real-world” feedback about their interview skills.

Job shadowing

Get paired with high school students to observe your workplace for a short period of time (2-3 hours) to gain first-hand experience of what it’s like to work for your company and/or industry.

Business Tour

Offer a company tour to local students to experience your work environment in action.

Summer Internship (paid or unpaid)

Provide 60+ hours of on-the-job training for students to gain relevant knowledge and professional skills in your industry.


Serve as a career development coach with a student interested in your field or occupation by providing guidance and on-going support.

Advisory Board Member

Join one of PUSD industry specific advisory boards (Engineering, Health, Business, etc.) to influence curriculum and advocate for the most relevant education within our academies.


Offer part-time employment opportunities to students to earn a wage while building skills and experience they will need for successful long-term career development.

If you’d like to be a part of the solution contact Amy to discuss how you’d like to make a positive impact. or 626-795-3355.