2018-19 Official City Map of Pasadena reaches 15,000+ visitors

Advertise in the 2017-18 Official City Map of Pasadena!

Expanded Distribution – NOW you can reach over 15,000 visitors, new residents and local businesses - both in print and online.

Pasadena Chamber city map cover
15,000 copies are distributed at the Tournament of Roses Parade, to area hotels, the Police department, Convention Center, through the Convention & Visitor’s Bureau, new resident welcome packets, through real estate offices, among other places.

Here is the rate and spec sheet: 

Advertisers receive 25 copies of the map at no charge. The Online map is an added bonus for paid advertisers. Each Ad is linked to the advertiser’s website.

Debra Wells is helping us out with the advertising for the 2018-19 Map for the Pasadena Chamber of Commerce.  Contact Debra at 626-219-8356 or by email at pasadenachamberguide@gmail.com.

Please welcome Debra’s call and look for her at Chamber events.

Best Regards,


Paul Little


Pasadena Chamber of Commerce