The Department of Transportation with assistance from CALSTART has scheduled an Electric Vehicle (EV) charging station workshop on October 25, 2013, at City Hall in the training room between the hours of 9:00 am and 12:00 noon.
The workshop will provide the opportunity for private property owners in Pasadena to learn about subsidies up to $10,000 offered through grants secured from the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) and South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) Mobile Source Air Pollution Review Committee (MSRC) for installing EV chargers at their sites. The grant might be limited to larger size properties exceeding 25K square feet of gross floor area; however, everyone is invited to participate in the workshop.
During this workshop, property owners will:
- ENGAGE with other property owners who have successfully installed EV charging stations
- CONNECT with employers who are pursuing EV charging as an employee benefit
- MEET charging stations installers and experience their products
- LEARN about Best Practices for installing and operating EV charging stations on their properties
For more information, download the flyer here: