I’ve been an entrepreneur since I was ten years old. Being one has become my way of life. Despite its unending cycles of rollercoaster pinnacles and hair-raising downturns I simply cannot imagine living otherwise.
The talented women and men who lead and manage small businesses and professional service firms are not just the backbone of Pasadena, they are the faces, hands, brains and hearts which bring our City to life and make it so great.
Small businesses and services are like electricity. Without it, a house becomes almost a useless shell, good only for shelter and a very rudimentary habitation. But with electricity, a house becomes a bright and wonderful home.
Similarly, the businesses of Pasadena -- the restaurant, the shops, the places where we work -- add the life-force that makes our city a wonderful home.
It is to these vital small businesses and service firms and professionals that we dedicate this new weekly newsletter, “Pasadena Business Now.”
Our intent is to bring the people who own, manage and lead local companies, firms and organizations inspiring and useful and information-rich stories about successful local business people, about how local companies are grappling with technology, about important new regulations, about business conditions, about what Pasadena City Hall is up to, which can affect you. And more.
Like our favorite new business lunch spots.
Please feel very comfortable about contacting us with story ideas, criticisms, Letters to the Editors, and tips.
We hope you enjoy our efforts -- and glean useful information which helps you become even more successful in your own business. (We know the hardest thing in the world is running a small business, and we want to help.)
Here’s to you!
James Macpherson
Founder and Publisher of Pasadena Now
James Macpherson, Publisher |